The researchers’ results have created a new resource for developing next-generation, ultra-sensitive quantum electronic devices.
Board of Regents' Distinctions honor the recipients for their outstanding contributions and excellence.
Energy materials facilitate the conversion or transmission of energy. They also play an essential role in how we store energy, reduce power consumption, and develop cleaner, efficient energy solutions.
A new theory allows researchers to create easy-to-solve mathematical models using cables, a previously challenging mathematical problem.
The technology could allow for smaller and faster devices and may have applications for quantum computing.
Physicist Claire Berger has been awarded the Chevalier dans L'ordre des Palmes Académiques for her groundbreaking graphene research — and her work on strengthening ties between U.S. and French scientists.
Directed by School of Chemistry and Biochemistry Associate Professor Henry “Pete” La Pierre, the Center will serve to push Georgia Tech to the forefront of nuclear science and engineering — and push the boundaries of our understanding of chemical bonding
The transformation allows for a billion percent increase in the material’s conductivity and could lead to a new paradigm for quantum devices.
The researchers developed a new nanoelectronics platform based on graphene - a single sheet of carbon atoms.
Chemists and engineers collaborate on process that washes away nonconductive side chains from a robust polymer backbone to create a powerful conductive plastic.