Title Phone Fax
Academic Effectiveness, Office of
Academic Success & Advising
Accounting Certificate Programs 404.894.4907
Accounts Payable 404.894.5000 404.894.8195
ADA Workplace Accommodations
Administration & Finance
Administrative Services Center (ASC) 404.385.1111
Admissions - Graduate 404.894.1610 404.894.1609
Admissions - Undergraduate 404.894.4154
Advanced Technology Development Center (ATDC) 404.894.3575 404.894.4545
Aerospace Engineering, School of 404.894.3000 404.894.2760
Agricultural Technology Research Program (ATRP) 404.894.3412 404.894.8051
Air Force ROTC (Aerospace Studies)
Alumni Association 404.894.2391 404.894.5113
Applied Physiology, School of 404.894.7658 404.894.9982
Architecture, School of 404.894.4885 404.894.0572
Army Research Lab, Software Technology Branch
Army ROTC (Dept. of Military Science) 404.894.4760 404.894.4761
Arts, Office of the (Georgia Tech Arts) 404.894.2787
Athletic Association 404.894.5400 404.894.1248
Auxiliary Services
Title Phone Fax
Bioengineering Center 404.385.6655 404.894.4243
Biology, School of 404.894.3700 404.894.0519
Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory School of 404.385.0124 404.894.4243
Biosafety Committee 404.894.6942
Blueprint, Yearbook
Bookstore 404.894.2515 404.894.2530
Brook Byers Institute for Sustainable Systems 404.894.7895
Budget & Planning
Building Construction, School of 404.894.4875 404.894.1641
Bursar's Office (Student Accounts) 404.894.4618 404.894.5536
Business Services (See Procurement & Business Services)
Buzz Card Center 404.894.2899 404.894.2049
Title Phone Fax
Campus Recreation Center 404.385.PLAY 404.894.9981
Campus Services 404.894.1822 404.894.6354
Campus Sustainability 404.385.4949
Capital Assets Accounting (see Property Control)
Capital, Planning, and Space Management (See Planning, Design, and Construction)
Career Center 404.894.3320
Catering Office (Dining Services) 404.894.1542
CEISMC (Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics & Computing) 404.894.0777 404.894.9675
Center for Compound Semiconductors 404.385.6094
Center for Inclusive Design and Innovation 404-894-8000 404.894.9320
Center for International Strategy, Technology & Policy 404.894.3199 404.894.1903
Center for Machine Learning
Center for MEMS & Microsystems Technologies 404.894.9496
Center for Mental Health Care and Resources 404.894.2575 404.894.1804
Center for Serve-Learn-Sustain 404.385.4026
Center for Student Engagement
Center for Teaching and Learning 404-894-4474
Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, School of 404.894.1838 404.894.2866
Chemical Storeroom 404.894.4019
Chemistry & Biochemistry, School of 404.894.4002 404.894.7452
City and Regional Planning, School of 404.894.2350 404.894.1628
Civic Engagement
Civil & Environmental Engineering, School of 404.894.2201 404.894.2278
Collegiate Panhellenic Council 404.894.2002
Compliance Programs 404.385.5151
Composites Education & Research Ctr. (CERC) 404.894.3013 404.894.9140
Computational Science and Engineering, School of 404.385.4785
Computer Engineering (See ECE)
Computer Integrated Manufacturing Systems (CIMS) (See Manufacturing Educational Program - MEP)
Computing, College of 404.894.3152 404.894.9846
Conflict Resolution and Advocacy 404.894.2863
Controller's Office 404-385-8337 404.894.0136
Corporate Engagement 404.385.3032
CoS Machine Shop 404.894.5264
Credit Union (Human Resources) 770.476.6400
Customer Support - OIT (See Administrative Services Center)
Title Phone Fax
Dean of Students 404.894.6367 404.894.9928
Design, College of
Development, Office of 404.894.6344 404.894.0350
Digital Signage Technology, Department of
Dining Services
Disability Services, Office of
Dramatech Theatre 404.894.2745
Dual Degree Program
Title Phone Fax
Earth & Atmospheric Sciences, School of 404.894.3893 404.894.5638
Economic Development & Technology Ventures 404.894.5217 404.894.1826
Economics, School of 404.894.4919 404.894.1890
Education Integrating Science, Mathematics & Computing, Ctr. For (CEISMC) 404.894.0777 404.894.9675
Electrical & Computer Engineering, School of (ECE) 404.894.2901 404.894.4641
Electronic Commerce Resource Ctr. 404.894.8042 404.894.4785
Emergency Preparedness 404.894.2500
Employee Assistance Program 404.894.1225
Employee Records 404.894.3096 404.894.0765
Employee Relations 404.385.0035 404.894.8141
Employment Verification 404.894.6911 404.385.0765
Energy Analysis & Diagnostic Ctr. (See Ind. Assessment Ctr.) 404.894.3844 404.894.1192
Engineering Science & Mechanics 404.894.2205
Engineering, College of 404.894.3350 404.894.0168
Enrollment Management 404.385.3648 404.385.5172
Enterprise Data Management (EDM)
Enterprise Innovation Institute
Environmental Engineering 404.894.2265 404.894.8266
Environmental Health & Safety 404.894.4635 404.894.5042
Environmental Resources Center 404.894.3776 404.894.3828
Experiential & Engaged Learning 404.385.8543 404.385.8366
Export Control
Title Phone Fax
Facilities Management (See Infrastructure and Sustainability)
Faculty Affairs 404.894.4883 404.894.1609
Faculty/Staff Support Services 404.894.3344 404.894.4691
FASET Orientation for New Students 404.894.6897
Fellowships Office
Ferst Center for the Arts (Box Office) 404.894.9600
Financial Aid (See Scholarships & Financial Aid)
Financial Services
First-Generation & Limited-Income Student Initiatives
First-Year Semester Abroad
Fluid Properties Research
Food Industry Programs, Office of 404.894.3412 404.894.8051
Foundation Relations 404.894.2481 404.894.0559
Fraternity and Sorority Life, Office of 404.894.2002 404.894.9928
Fusion Research Ctr. 404.894.3758 404.894.3733
Title Phone Fax
GA Ctr. For Advanced Telecommunications TECH. (GCATT) 404.385.0911 404.894.1445
GA Procurement Assistance Ctr. 478.953.3155 478.953.3169
GA Tech Living History Department 404.894.9271 404.894.5113
GA Tech Regional Engineering Program (GTREP) 912.966.7922 912.966.7836
GA Tech Research Institute (GTRI) 404.894.7325 404.894.5283
General Counsel, Office of the
Georgia Electronic Design Center
Georgia Tech Foundation, Inc. 404.894.5072 404.894.7232
Georgia Tech Quantum Institute 404.894.2945
Georgia Tech Research Corporation (GTRC) / Georgia Tech Applied Research Corporation (GTARC) 404.894.4819 404.385.2078
Georgia Tech Student Foundation 404.894.0782
Georgia Transportation Institute 404.385.0384 404.894.7896
Gift Planning 404.894.4678 404.894.0559
Global Human Resources
Graduate and Postdoctoral Education 404.894.1610 404.894.1609
Grants & Contracts Accounting 404.894.4624 404.894.5519
GT/Emory School of Biomedical Engineering (See Biomedical Engineering, GT/Emory School of) 404.385.0124 404.894.4243
GTRI Microelectronics & Nanotechnology 404.407.6468
GVU Center 404.894.4488 404.894.0673
Title Phone Fax
Handicap Parking Permits 404.894.3344 404.894.4691
Health & Well-Being
Health Promotion, Department of 404.894.9980
Health Services 404.894.1420 404.894.7480
High Yield Pulp Science, Ctr. For 404.894.3556 404.894.2866
Historic Academy of Medicine 404.894.1414
History, Technology, & Society, School of 404.894.3196 404.894.0535
Homeland Security 404.894.8392
Honors Program 404.385.7532
Hotel and Conference Center, Georgia Tech 404.347.9440 404.838.2099
Housing 404.894.2470 404.894.6573
Human Movement Studies, Ctr. For 404.894.1031 404.894.7593
Human Resources 404.385.1111
Title Phone Fax
Industrial & Systems Engineering, School of 404.894.2300 404.894.2301
Industrial Assessment Center 404.894.3844 404.894.1192
Industrial Design, School of 404.894.4874 404.894.3396
Industry Engagement, Office of
Information Technology, Office of (OIT) 404.385.1111
Infrastructure and Sustainability (Formerly Facilities Management) 404.385.0838
Institute Communications 404.894.0870 404.894.7214
Institute for Bioengineering & Biosciences, Parker H. Petit
Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology 404.894.3847
Institute for Materials 404.894.7769 404.894.0186
Institute for People and Technology 404.894-.4728
Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines 404.385.8746 404.385.8546
Institute of Paper Science & Technology (now Renewable Bioproducts Institute) 404.894.5700 404.894.4778
Institute Relations 404.894.1238 404.385.1207
Institutional Research & Planning 404.894.3311 404.894.0032
Instructional Faculty 404.894.5058
Insurance and Claims Management 404.894.8296
Integrated Diagnostics, Ctr. For 404.894.3270 404.894.8336
Interactive Tech Media Center 404.894.4195
Interfraternity Council 404.894.9189
Internal Auditing 404.894.9480 404.894.6990
International Affairs, The Sam Nunn School of 404.894.3195 404.894.1900
International Education, Office of 404.894.7475
International Standards & Quality, Ctr. 404.894.0968 404.894.1192
Intramurals (See Campus Recreation) 404.894.5437 404.385.0298
Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts 404.894.2601 404.894.8573
Title Phone Fax
Language Institute, The 404.894.2425 404.894.8755
Lean Enterprise Services 404.894.6100
Legal Affairs 404.894.4812 404.894.3120
Library 404.894.4500
Licensing and Trademarks 404.894.0870 404.894.7214
Lifetime Learning, College of
Literature, Communication, and Culture, School of 404.894.2730 404.894.1287
Title Phone Fax
Manufacturing Institute 404.894.9100 404.894.3913
Materials Research Science & Engineering Center 404.894.5922
Materials Science & Engineering 404.894.9140
Mathematics, School of 404.894.2700 404.894.4409
Mechanical Engineering 404.894.3200 404.894.1658
Mechanical Properties Research Lab 404.894.6487 404.894.9140
Medical Physics 404.894.3731 404.894.3733
Mentor Tech Program 404.894.9410 404.894.8141
Microelectronics Research Ctr. (MIRC) 404.894.5100 404.894.5028
Modern Languages, School of 404.894.7327 404.894.0955
Molecular Design Institute 404.894.1144
Motorpool 404.894.4109
Multicultural Greek Council (MGC)
Music, School of 404.385.8148 404.894.9952
Title Phone Fax
National Guard Technology Center 404.894.4279 404.894.6199
National Pan Hellenic Council 404.894.2002
Navy ROTC (Dept. of Naval Science) 404.894.4771
NEETRAC 404.675.1877 404.675.1820
Nuclear & Radiological Engineering 404.894.3731 404.894.3733
Title Phone Fax
Ombuds (Conflict Resolution and Advocacy) 404.894.2863
Omed Educational Services 404.894.3959 404.894.1608
Optical Science & Engineering, Ctr. For 404.894.3922
Title Phone Fax
Packaging Research Ctr. 404.894.9097 404.894.3842
Parent & Family Programs 404.385.1396
Parking and Transportation Services 404.385.PARK 404.894.5211
Payroll Office 404.385.1111
Phosphor Technology Ctr. of Excellence 404.894.1260 404.894.1258
Photovoltaics Research & Education, Ctr. of Excellence for 404.894.7692 404.894.5934
Physics, School of 404.894.5201 404.894.9958
Placement (See Career Services)
Planning, Design, and Construction 404.894.3563
Police (See Security and Police) 404.894.2500 404.894.9327
Policies and Procedures 404.894.3344
Polymer Education & Research Ctr. 404.894.2882 404.894.9342
Polymer Processing Ctr. 404.894.2882 404.894.9342
Polymer, Textile & Fiber Engineering, School of 404.894.2490 404.894.8780
Post Office 404.894.4560
Postdoctoral Services, Office of 404.385.1999
Pre-Graduate & Pre-Professional (PGPP) Advising 404.894.2550
President, Office of the 404.894.5051 404.894.1277
Printing & Copying Services (PCS - OIT) 404.894.3570 404.894.8615
Problems/Refunds, Vending Food/Beverages & Laundry 4-HELP
Procurement & Business Services 404.894.5000 404.894.8552
Professional Education 404.385.3501 404.894.8925
Property Control 404.894.5000 404.894.8552
Provost and EVP For Academic Affairs 404.385.2700 404.894.1277
Psychology, School of 404.894.2680 404.894.8905
Public Policy, School of 404.894.6822 404.385.0504
Publications, Student
Purchasing 404.894.5000 404.894.8552
Title Phone Fax
Radiological Safety (See Nuclear Research Center) 404.894.3600
Real Estate Development Office 404.385.3085 404.894.2699
Regents, Board of 404.656.2250 404.651.9301
Registrar 404.894.4150 404.894.0167
Rehabilitation Technology, Ctr. For 404.894.4960 404.894.9320
Renewable Bioproducts Institute 404.894.5700 404.894.4778
Research Faculty 404.894.7011
Research Faculty Employment 404.894.7011
Research Integrity Assurance, Office of (ORIA)
Research, Executive Vice President for 404-894-8805
Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC)
Residence Hall Association (RHA) 404.894.8742 404.385.0524
Retirement (see Human Resources, Office of) 404.894.1417
Risk Management 404.894.8296 404.894.8552
Rotorcraft Wing Technology, Ctr. For Excellence On 404.894.6257 404.894.2760
Title Phone Fax
Scheller College of Business 404.894.2600 404.894.6030
Scholarships and Financial Aid, Office of 404.894.4160 404.894.7412
School of Cybersecurity and Privacy 404.407.8873
Sciences, College of 404.894.3300 404.894.7466
SECME 404.894.3314 404.894.6553
Security and Police 404.894.2500 404.894.9327
Society & Industry In The Modern South, Ctr. For The 404.894.6850 404.894.0535
Special Programs - Undergraduate Admissions 404.894.2691 404.894.1466
Specialty Separations Center 404.894.3690 404.894.9085
Sponsored Programs, Office of 404.894.4819
SRC Interconnect & Packaging Center 404.894.3340
STA Travel 404.385.1500
Staff Council
Stamps Health Services (see Health Services) 404.894.1420 404.894.7480
Stamps President’s Scholars Program 404.864.1615
State Employees Credit Union 404.894.3958
Strategic Consulting 404.385.3306 404.894.0409
Strategic Energy Institute 404.385.0384 404.894.7896
Student Center 404.385.4275
Student Counseling (See Counseling Center) 404.894.2575 404.894.1804
Student Financial Planning/Services (see Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid) 404.894.4160 404.894.7412
Student Government 404.894.2814
Student Health Services (see Health Services) 404.894.1420 404.894.7480
Student Innovation
Student Integrity, Office of 404.894.2566
Student Life 404.894.2565 404.385.6679
Student Organizations Resource Ctr. 404.894.3458
Student Publications
Student Success Center 404.894.0317
Summer Session Initiatives 404.385.5719
Supply Chain and Logistics Institute (SCL) 404.894.2343 404.894.6527
Surface Engineering & Tribology, Ctr. For (CSET) 404.894.9100 404.894.3913
Title Phone Fax
Tech Temps 404.894.4164 404.894.4691
Technique, Newspaper
Technology Policy & Assessment Ctr. 404.894.6703
Tennenbaum Institute 404.894.7014 404.894.2301
Tennis Center 404.894.0369
Tick-A-Tech 404.894.9600
Title IX 404.385.5583
Transportation (Parking and Transportation Services) 404.385.RIDE 404.894.5211
Tutoring & Academic Support 404.894.1945
Title Phone Fax
Undergraduate Advising & Transition 404.385.7556
Undergraduate Education, Office of 404.894.5054 404.385.0606
Undergraduate Research
Univ. Financing Foundation Inc. 404.894.3876 770.420.4333
University Center of Excellence for Photovoltaics 404.894.7692
Urban & Regional Ecology, Ctr. For (CURE) 404.385.0573 404.894.5638
Title Phone Fax
Vending Food/Beverage/Laundry 404.894.2788
Vertically Integrated Projects Program 404.894.9362
Veterans Resource Center 404.894.4953
Title Phone Fax
Wardlaw Center 404.894.9399 404.894.0350
Water Resource Institute 404.894.2240 404.894.2677
Whistle, Faculty/Staff Newspaper 404.385.4142 404.894.7214
Wilderness Outpost 404.894.7420
Women's Resource Ctr. 404.385.0230
Women, Science, and Technology, Center for the Study of 404.894.1241
WREK Radio 91.1 FM 404.894.2468