A preliminary review of submission materials by domain expertise and judges with industry experience who will determine the CIC finalists.
A preliminary review of submission materials by domain expertise and judges with industry experience who will determine the CIC finalists.
A preliminary review of submission materials by domain expertise and judges with industry experience who will determine the CIC finalists.
“Modelling the Propagation of Epidemics with Diffusion” - Henri Berestycki, Ph.D. - CNRS and École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS), Paris, France
The era of increasingly intelligent technologies: Insights into human-automation interaction schemes across different environments, contexts, and tasks
Christine de Wendel is CEO & co-founder of sundayapp and will discuss her professional career and creation of the sundayapp company in French.
We will be volunteering at the Campbellton Community Garden on Saturday, February 18. Tasks include weeding, mulching, and harvesting produce.
GTIF is a two-day improv festival with college and professional troupes from across the Southeast, hosted at DramaTech Theatre from March 3-4.
Come to the Standalone and watch an hour long improvisational Comedy Show held every semester!
Dr. Noura Howell will headline a seminar hosted by Women in Music Technology.