Get comfortable traveling by bike with this instructional group ride! This in-person class is designed specifically for members of the Georgia Tech community — that includes students, staff, and faculty!
Adia is an experimental, independent and multi-disciplinary artist, playwright, wardrobe specialist, stylist/ make-up artist, director, composer, and producer.
"Sensory Processing and Integration in the Drosophila Taste System" - Anita Devineni, Ph.D., Emory University
Featuring Juliet Schor, professor of sociology at Boston College.
Looking to find a job now? Attend this bootcamp to learn more about resumes, interviewing, and job search best practices.
Crystal Sanders presents "'Stony the Road We Trod': Black Women's Efforts to Secure Graduate Education During the Age of Jim Crow"
Join Teach For America as they share best practices for creating and maintaining a strong, social impact-oriented LinkedIn profile.
Incentives for Exploration at Market Equilibrium.
The Ethical Reflection Test: Measuring the readiness and ability to reflect on ethical challenges from multiple perspectives.