Under Teresa White’s guidance, 65 percent of Aflac’s 5,700 employees are women and nearly 50 percent are people of color.
Real-life Among Us game with Vietnamese cultural elements. Rescheduled because of inclement weather conditions.
To kick off Dharma Awareness Week, Hindu YUVA will be hosting Brahmacharini Jyoti Chaitanya Ji for a talk on Women in Hinduism!
As the second event of Dharma Awareness Week, Hindu YUVA will be having a showing of the 1993 Anime Ramayana film!
Join us at the Catholic Center for a night of praise and worship, adoration, and confession!
Under Teresa’s guidance, 65 percent of Aflac’s 5,700 employees are women and nearly 50 percent are people of color.
TOM:GT will hold a Makeathon (our version of a hackathon) weekend in which Makers (you) will work with Need-Knowers (people living with a disability) to develop assistive technology to improve their daily lives.
TOM:GT will hold a Makeathon (our version of a hackathon) weekend in which Makers (you) will work with Need-Knowers (people living with a disability) to develop assistive technology to improve their daily lives.
In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your job search in CareerBuzz and tips and tricks on using the system effectively.
Graduate Career Advisor and Licensed Career Counselor Elaine Damon will provide tips for presenting the wealth of experience and the potential of what you will contribute.