Berry, a Chemistry Ph.D. student, is one of 40 students in the U.S. to receive the Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship awarded to emerging leaders in computational science.
College of Sciences graduate Anisha Kanukolanu is among the Georgia Tech students and alumni who have received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program award to study/conduct research.
The feasibility study by Georgia Tech researchers explores using conditional normalizing flows (CNFs) to convert seismic data points into usable information and observable images. This potential ability could make monitoring underground storage sites more
Andrew Rogers was given a week to live at 3 years old. Now cancer-free, he wants to make sure no child with cancer goes through it alone.
CMDI merges disciplines, aggressively recruiting microbiologist ‘superstars’ to take back the high ground from antibiotic-resistant pathogens and emerging diseases — and to harness microbes for new medicines, cleaner environments, and climate solutions.
A new theory allows researchers to create easy-to-solve mathematical models using cables, a previously challenging mathematical problem.
The Georgia Tech Integrated Cancer Research Center has combined machine learning with information on blood metabolites to develop a new early diagnostic test that detects ovarian cancer with 93 percent accuracy.
School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences researchers find dangerous sulfates are formed, and their particles get bigger, within the plumes of pollution belching from coal-fired power plants.
Physics Professor Nepomuk Otte and students have developed the Trinity Demonstrator to search for sources of high-energy neutrinos that contain clues to the early universe.
Rachel Moore spent nearly 50 days in one of the most remote places on Earth, collecting ice cores; the research has implications for climate change predictions and searching for signs of life on icy worlds.