TechSAge recently received a $4.6 million grant from the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research to support another five years of work — the project’s third five-year grant.
This fall, the Institute will launch a foundational, interdisciplinary program to lead in research related to neuroscience, neurotechnology, and society.
Discussion on engaging with community facilitated by CEAR Hub researchers
IPaT Vision Talk - Maribeth Gandy Coleman
IPaT Vision Talk - Betsy DiSalvo
IPaT Vision Talk - Neha Kumar
IPaT Vision Talk - Michael Best
IPaT Vision Talk - Ellen Zegura
A weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research and stay informed about the work that everyone is doing
A weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research and stay informed about the work that everyone is doing