Utz will serve until a new dean is named and will begin his appointment on April 20.
Wilson’s research examines hip-hop and what it says about the world we live in.
In-person screening and Q&A with director Jake Wachtel of the family mystery-adventure film “Karmalink.”
"Sadakat"/"Fidelity" is the 2015 Student Academy Award winner.
Two Georgia Tech professors are addressing workplace and social challenges through innovative teaching around health and wellness.
Dr. Jamilläh Rodriguez, post-doctoral research associate at UNC Chapel Hill, discusses her experience with fieldwork and linguistic research.
Part of the Memory and Justice Forum hosted in partnership between Georgia Tech and Emory University.
An in-person live screening followed by a Q&A with award-winning French film director, Aïssa Maïga.
With guest speaker Timothy Snyder, Richard C. Levin Professor of History at Yale University.
The Linguistics program hosts Dr. Hongyuan Dong, associate professor of Chinese language and linguistics at George Washington University.