QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer—the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help prevent suicide. All Georgia Tech community members are invited to participate in this free training.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.
Please join the Counseling Center staff for a moment of drumming and fun as we decompress and engage in wellness!
Join us as we explore some body centered approach to stress management.
This event is a part of the wellness and stress management series presented by the Counseling Center.