This workshop will provide recommendations on navigating the dining halls with special dietary needs.
Did you have a good summer interning, co-oping, or engaging in other activities you need to include on your resume? If so, attend this workshop to learn how you can incorporate this into your resume.
Calling all incoming recently acquired Tech students (RATS): Join the Georgia Tech Library for RATS Night 2022 Wednesday, Aug. 17 from 6-9 p.m.
The Career Center has a LOT of resources that can help students with a variety of Career needs. Attend this session to learn how you can effectively leverage the resources we offer to students.
Many employers start hiring students for co-ops, internships, and full-time positions starting in the fall semester. What should you do now in preparation? Attend this session to find out.
Are you a graduate student who is considering participating in an internship in Fall 2022 or Spring 2023? The Graduate Internship Program is often used by graduate students who have secured internships.
Employees will receive a 40% discount on mobile orders with the code STAFFTXS
Take a Kendeda Building tour and learn about the most environmentally advanced education and research building ever constructed in the southeast?
participants will learn how to give private feedback, use threaded commenting, copy VoiceThreads for use with multiple groups, and use comment moderation to formatively assess student work.
Experimental "Tapping" Circles to be offered to GT community