Female Founders Speaker Series features conversations with Tonya Hicks
Equity and Compliance office will have a presentation on demystifying the sexual misconduct and Title IX Process on Campus.
This seminar presents an Artists Panel Discussion of Georgia Tech’s Spring 2023 Artists-in-Residence program.
Featuring Randy Walker, Retired CEO. Executive Mentor
Check out the projects our club has been working on! This is a great opportunity to get involved with projects at DSGT, and is open to all Georgia Tech students.
There will be an AMS Southeastern Sectional meeting at Georgia Tech March 17-19 2023.
If you like to play card games, either for fun or competitively, and would like to make new friends, the Bridge Club invites you to to attend its weekly bridge meetings.
Featuring C.J. Reddy, Vice President, Business Development - Electromagnetics at Americas at Altair Engineering, Inc.
Respondus 4.0 is a powerful tool for creating and managing exams that can be published directly to Canvas.