"Neural Basis for Skilled Movements" - Adam Hantman, Ph.D., University of North Carolina
What type of Team should I use? What is a channel? Learn the best practices surrounding your new Team.
What type of Team should I use? What is a channel? Learn the best practices surrounding your new Team.
Job searching can get overwhelming and it's easy to get down. Explore ways to maintain your mental wellbeing as you search for job opportunities.
School of Economics Seminar Series presents: Catherine Maclean from Temple University
The guest speaker is Dr. Beth Cabrera, Georgia Tech First Lady and author of the book Beyond Happy: Women, Work and Wellbeing.
A weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research and stay informed about the work that everyone is doing
Women, Science and Technology (WST) welcomes Dr. GIlda Barabino as their 2022 Distinguished Lecturer
Time tickets will post for all eligible students at 6:00 pm Eastern Time.
Public nights at the Georgia Tech Observatory are back for 2021-2022!