A FREE virtual info session and Q&A for employers wanting to learn how to expand the pool of candidates by hiring liberal arts students.
A weekly gathering of the IPaT community to brainstorm about research and stay informed about the work that everyone is doing
Ron Nash is the Managing Director of Nash Technology Group and the author of “The Making of a Business Leader.”
Featuring Ashkan Faghiri, a postdoctoral fellow at the Center for Translational Research in Neuroimaging and Data Science (TReNDS
For the fourth event of Dharma Awareness Week, Hindu YUVA will host a Langar on Campus to raise awareness about Sikhism and the concept of Sewa!
Daniel Phelps presents Augmented Intermediate Layers: Subversively Advancing Augmented Reality in our Culture Without Wearables
Held the 4th Wednesday of every month. Members and guests from any Keiretsu Forum are welcome to attend.
This four-part series of drop-in workshops covers the beginnings of podcasting: creating your show idea, recording and editing sound, and how to structure an academic podcast.
This four-part series of drop-in workshops covers the beginnings of podcasting: creating your show idea, recording and editing sound, and how to structure an academic podcast.