National Employee Appreciation Day falls on the first Friday of March and is designed to remind employers to offer authentic praise to their employees.
Google is giving us a tour of their Atlanta office this Friday, March 3, from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m.
Join us in Stephen C. Hall, where a panel of scholars and professionals from the Federal Reserve Bank will discuss "The Power of Representation".
GT Drupal Group holds open help desk sessions that you can "bring your Drupal problem" to and get help from your peers.
Come join SGA and Greek Week as we celebrate our beautiful campus during the first Tech Beautification Day since the pandemic!
Language Café is an opportunity for students to interact with various cultural linguistic spheres and learn phrases in new languages!
What can you do with a Georgia Tech College of Sciences degree? Join Belma Erdogan-Haug, PhD, MBA (CHEM '03), Head of Product Development for Henkel of America, Inc. to find out!
In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your job search in CareerBuzz and tips and tricks on using the system effectively.
Learn about co-ops and internships, the difference between the two, why you should pursue one, and the benefits of experiential education.
Georgia Tech faculty and staff are invited to join the Office of the Executive Vice President for Research and the Library for the 2nd annual Georgia Tech Authors Celebration.