Featuring Carlos Cordeiro (Intel Fellow, Wireless CTO)
This workshop will showcase artistic responses to Galileo's Dialogue Concerning Two Chief World Systems, which will eventually be translated in large-scale on the Price Gilbert Memorial windows on the first and second floor.
Come Join ICGT and play a variety of sports like Cricket, Tennis and Badminton.
Beware! There's danger on campus: it's zombies! Join us for a cross-campus, multi-day game of tag, and run for your lives!
Dance the night away with SCPC at the “Mystical Masquerade,” Georgia Tech’s formal for all students!
A collaboration between India Club and Pakistani Students Association to host a dinner just prior to the start of Ramadan.
Featuring Alexander Lerch, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies at the School of Music, Georgia Institute of Technology
Female Founders Speaker Series features conversations with Tonya Hicks