In this talk, Darin Givens, co-founder of ThreadATL, an urbanism advocacy nonprofit, discusses urban design and planning from a citizen-activist perspective.
Demo Day is Bits of Good's biggest event, where we showcase the projects our members have been working on all semester.
Local cardiovascular device start-up Cardio R.E.S.T., founded by GT students, will be coming to campus to discuss their work and summer/fall internship/full-time positions!
Join us on Saturdays in the garden!
Ronald L. Johnson is a Professor of the Practice in ISyE and Faculty Leadership Fellow at Georgia Tech.
The Earth Month bike ride will be Tuesday, April 11.
Theme: Biomechanics of Engineered Living Systems - Ming Guo, Ph.D. MIT, Deborah Leckband, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Todd Sulcheck, Ph.D., Goergia Tech
Please join us for a live online information session to learn more about Georgia Tech’s Professional Master's in Applied Systems Engineering degree and have your questions answered.
Georgia Tech Human Resources will demonstrate the updated performance management process and answer questions.
Georgia Tech Human Resources will demonstrate the updated performance management process and answer questions.