What can you do with a Georgia Tech College of Sciences degree? Join Belma Erdogan-Haug, PhD, MBA (CHEM '03), Head of Product Development for Henkel of America, Inc. to find out!
In this workshop you will learn how to maximize your job search in CareerBuzz and tips and tricks on using the system effectively.
Come learn about the Georgia Tech Career Center and the various services and resources available to graduate students. We will also discuss the job search and helpful resources.
This workshop focuses on how to be ready for any interview, including behavioral and technical interviews.
We will discuss what is in and out of your control with the job search, how to find your fit, and how to create a career action plan.
Learn about co-ops and internships, the difference between the two, why you should pursue one, and the benefits of experiential education.
This workshop will provide tips for success for both online and in-person technical interviews.
Graduate Career Advisor and Licensed Career Counselor Elaine Damon will provide advice on how to communicate what you can offer to potential employers.
The Undergraduate Operations Management Society will be hosting William Feaster, Principle Product Manager from Microsoft! Come for a free pizza and a good time!
Yahoo recruiters are looking forward to meeting members of NSBE, SHPE, and SWE for an informative evening of networking panels, Resume reviews, and refreshments!