A live-streamed discussion with Dr Mona Tajali on her new book, "Women's Political Representation in Iran and Turkey: Demanding a seat at the table" (2022)
This course provides participants with a holistic and integrated understanding of contract law, contract types, key industry standard contract terms, and contract structure to improve their confidence when creating or modifying contract documents.
Get comfortable traveling by bike with this instructional group ride! This in-person class is designed specifically for members of the Georgia Tech community — that includes students, staff, and faculty!
Participants will learn strategies for reading research papers efficiently and form small groups led by URA members to read portions of a research review article.
Are you ready to reach your full potential as a leader? Join us for the Grand Central Station themed recruitment mixer hosted by LEAD that promises to be both engaging and informative!
Come view the research being done in SCS and SCP students who will be presenting posters.
Join the Georgia Tech Human Factors and Ergonomics Society as we tour the Emory Healthcare Human Factors lab!
Adia is an experimental, independent and multi-disciplinary artist, playwright, wardrobe specialist, stylist/ make-up artist, director, composer, and producer.
UNICEF@GT is hosting a Movie & Trivia Night where participants can participate in trivia where they compete their knowledge about UNICEF-related facts and will watch Encanto.