The team’s new battery system could enable electric vehicles to run longer on a single charge and would be cheaper to manufacture — all while having a positive impact on the environment.
Forecasts call for a near-normal hurricane season, but climate change could make future seasons more unpredictable than ever before.
Our galaxy is seen through a new lens as NSF IceCube Collaboration presents evidence of high-energy neutrino emission from the Milky Way
Twitter posts and an online experiment involving the cheery “Hakuna Matata” scene from The Lion King offer new insights into why we give to charity.
For Georgia Tech, striving toward inclusivity starts with a simple but crucial goal: building deep, lasting research partnerships.
A team of scientists led by Georgia Tech have observed past episodic intraplate magmatism and corroborated the existence of a partial melt channel at the base of the Cocos Plate.
Chemical engineers use coated carbon fibers and eliminate steam-based heating in their simpler design, which also can be powered by wind energy.
Research by Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business faculty member Eric Overby shows political bias exists between investors and borrowers in red or blue states.
The Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) is working to optimize Georgia’s EV battery supply chain by developing cost-and energy-efficient methods that pose fewer environmental risks.
Filler is a professor and the Traylor Faculty Fellow in the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, and he has served as IEN’s associate director for research programs since January 2022.