Alexandra Foote admits that she’s been described as ‘glittery and cheerleader-y.” But she is just as comfortable with programming languages as she is with her pompoms.

A move from a small town in Connecticut to midtown Atlanta turned out to be the best decision for Jon Dolan, an inventor and code developer.

First-generation American Caroline Zabinski traces her roots to Poland. Her father was a political refugee. Her mother grew up during the Solidarity movement that helped bring the fall of communism.

Progress and service were motivations for Chandler Watkins prior to enrolling at Georgia Tech. Since the age of 4, he's been collecting food on his birthday, rather than accepting gifts.

“I was bred to come here,” Ciandra Calhoun – better known as CiCi – says. Her father graduated from Georgia Tech, now she’s following in his footsteps.

Not many first-year college students can say they’re coming to campus having won an Emmy award, but David Ashcom can.

Booker Farrior’s full name is Booker Taliaferro Washington Farrior IV. The famed educator and orator’s name has passed through the generations in Booker’s family.

“I want to do things that have never been done before,” Kaan Goksal says. Even as a high school student, Kaan was a leader of his country’s maker movement.

First-year mechanical engineering student, Rosalee Ramer, ends up doing much of her calculus homework on planes.That’s because she's the world’s youngest female monster truck driver.

Tammy VuPham is the daughter of Vietnam War refugees. She speaks Vietnamese and English as heritage languages, but has also taught herself Spanish, French, and Arabic.