Electrosuit, a startup by Aubrey Hall and Sherya Chakraborty, secured third place in the Spring 2024 I2P Showcase, and their product, a garment for at-home electrical stimulation, targets individuals with chronic pain or motor impairments.
First-year computer science majors Marianna Cao, James Gao, and Jaeheon Shim, share their experience in building Dolfin Solutions, is a personal financial management platform.
Cassie Mitchell and Robert Quinn are examining the factors that affect the inclusion of people with disabilities in STEM fields, aiming to understand the challenges they face with the ultimate goal of improving accessibility and financial independence for
The student newspaper will provide a behind-the-scenes look at Thursday’s presidential debate.
College of Sciences graduate Anisha Kanukolanu is among the Georgia Tech students and alumni who have received a Fulbright U.S. Student Program award to study/conduct research.
Georgia Tech's CREATE-X program, bolstered by generous philanthropic support, celebrates 10 years of building entrepreneurial confidence in students.
The National Institute of Health (NIH) has awarded Yunan Luo a grant for more than $1.8 million to use artificial intelligence (AI) to advance protein research.
M.S. student Meenakshi Manikandaswamy won a chess tournament hosted by the School of Computational Science and Engineering.
School of Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) Assistant Professor Peng Chen is co-principal investigator of a $1.5 million National Science Foundation grant to develop the CRIS-HAZARD system.
Andrew Rogers was given a week to live at 3 years old. Now cancer-free, he wants to make sure no child with cancer goes through it alone.