The Urban Honey Bee Project’s new beekeeper in residence is creating art and educating the public with her practice.
Jim Sowell talks about Georgia Tech's observatory, what can be learned from an eclipse, and why you should watch for it wherever you are.
By lassoing lizards, putting tiny chips on their legs, and tracking them for three years, Georgia Tech’s James Stroud revealed why species often appear unchanged for millions of years despite Charles Darwin’s theory of constant evolution.
Georgia Tech researchers have uncovered eco-friendly bacterial proteins that stabilize methane clathrates, offering a green solution to climate challenges and potential implications for astrobiology.
In response to changing climates, many plants and animals are moving to higher elevations, seeking cooler temperatures. But a new study finds that flying insects like bees and moths may struggle with insurmountable issues to this escape route.
Their novel approach showed how mammal traits evolved with changing environments and revealed factors that contributed to biodiversity loss.
Their novel approach showed how mammal traits evolved with changing environments over time and revealed factors that contributed to biodiversity loss.
Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology and Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems in Stuttgart have published a perspectives piece on the different tools used throughout the world aiding in the conservation of wildlife and biodiversity.
Researchers develop volcanic tsunami simulator to closely study potential natural disasters
Up to twice the amount of subglacial water that was originally predicted might be draining into the ocean – potentially increasing glacial melt, sea level rise, and biological disturbances.